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Community Eligibility Provision 

e3 Civic High operates under the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP), an option available to schools participating in the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs. Under this provision, all enrolled students of e3 Civic High are eligible to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at school at no charge to the household each day of the 2023-2024 school year. 

e3 Civic High opera bajo la Provisión de Elegibilidad de la Comunidad, una opción disponible para las escuelas que participan en los Programas Nacionales de Almuerzo y Desayuno Escolar. Todos los estudiantes inscritos en e3 Civic High son elegibles para recibir un desayuno y almuerzo saludable en la escuela sin costo para su familia todos los días del año escolar 2023-2024. 


Collection of Alternative Documentation for Funding

In lieu of lunch applications, we collect Household Data Income Forms. These forms do not determine lunch services; however, it provides school programs funding for every child enrolled in our school. Based on your family’s income, our school may receive additional money. This money helps our school in many ways. Completing the form may result in valuable resources. 

En lugar de solicitudes para el almuerzo, recopilamos formularios de ingresos de datos del hogar. Estos formularios no determinan los servicios de almuerzo; sin embargo, proporcionan financiación para programas escolares para cada niño matriculado en nuestra escuela. Según los ingresos de su familia, nuestra escuela puede recibir dinero adicional. Este dinero ayuda a nuestra escuela de muchas maneras. Completar el formulario puede resultar en recursos valiosos.

HDI 24-25-English 

HDI 24-25- Spanish


National School Breakfast and Lunch Program Information

School Breakfast Flyer

MyPlate Guide School Breakfast - English

MyPlate Guide School Breakfast - Spanish


School Breakfast/Lunch Menus

Top Notch Catering creates the menus for e3 Civic High; menus are available by accessing these links below:




Meal Pattern Chart (nutrition standards)



Meal Accommodations

Our meals are provided by Top Notch Catering who specializes in K-12 meals. Top Notch is a nut free facility and can accommodate food allergies and food intolerances.

If your child has a severe allergy, Top Notch cannot guarantee any airborne or micro exposure to allergens. In extreme cases, we recommend your child bring their food to school.

If your child has an allergy and plans to receive meals from Top Notch Catering, please let us know and submit a meal accommodation form. We will special order your child meal for all school days of the school year.

If your child plans to receive meals from Top Notch, please send your meal accommodation form to and

Medical Statement to Request Special Meals - English

Medical Statement to Request Special Meals - Spanish

Parental Request for a Fluid Milk Substitution


Student Health Education Wellness Policy

Student Health Education Wellness Policy


Civil Rights

USDA Nondiscrimination Statement