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Informational/Campus Tours

If you would like to inquire about the opportunity for your student to continue their education at e3, please contact Elizabeth Soto at or call us at 619-546-0000.

Informational Tours

All interested families should attend one Informational Tour. Sessions will be held on the first and last Thursday of the month. After attending the orientation session, interested families will apply for potential enrollment. 

Before applying for admission to e³ Civic High, the student and parent and/or guardian should complete the following:

  • Attend Orientation:  During the sessions, an еᶾ representative will detail the mission, vision, and program of e³Civic High. 
  • Student Application: A parent or guardian must complete the simple, online, non-discriminatory application by the end of the enrollment period (March of each year).  We utilize an online application system called SchoolMint.  Interested families should create a SchoolMint account and complete the online application, once the application is completed the qualifications are met, the name will be entered in our lottery. 
  • e3 Policy Acknowledgement: Once the student and a parent/guardian who is applying for admission agree to abide by all policies and procedures outlined in the Civic High Student Handbook and Digital Use Policy, which will be available in both English and Spanish.